CADSolar Industry Survey 2024

CADSolar is committed to understanding the challenges and opportunities in the solar and battery storage industry across Canada. Your insights will help us identify areas where we can support growth, enhance training and certification, and address regulatory challenges.

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How would you rate the impact of regulatory differences between jurisdictions on your operations:

How well do current building codes accommodate solar and battery storage installations in your area?

How important is standardized training and certification for the growth of the solar industry in Canada?

How does the availability of qualified labor impact your business?

How would you describe the level of oversight in the solar and battery storage industry in Canada?

What impact does this oversight have on consumer confidence?

How do current rebates and incentives influence your business growth?

Thank you for your valuable input. Your responses will help shape CADSolar’s initiatives to better serve the solar and battery storage industry in Canada. We appreciate your time and insights.

Responses will be available to CADSolar Members after Oct 31, 2024

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